Az első CoHF spoileres poszt, és hamarosan azt is megértitek, miért pont ezt választottam elsőnek.
Mindenesetre szólok, hogy SPOILER!
Nem nagy dolog. Illetve nagy dolog, de a cselekmény szempontjából semmilyen nagy dolgot nem lő le, csak egy kis apróság, ami sok mindenkinek tök lényegtelen is, de...
Szóval spoilerek a folytatásra kattintva!
Igen, jól olvastátok!
Már írtam a spoilermentes értékelésemben is, hogy Cassie ezt a könyvet sok szempontból a rajongóknak írta. A köszönetnyilvánításban is nekünk köszöni, és számos olyan intézet és Árnyvadász feltűnik, ami/aki olyan országhoz kapcsolódik, ahol kialakult, összetartó Árnyvadász közösség van.
És bár lehet, hogy én éreztem csak ennyire halmozottan, de bizony-bizony, szépen belekerültünk mi is! Nem is akárhogyan.
Nem csak az Intézetünket említi meg Cassie - ami mellesleg Budapesten van -, hanem kaptunk egy saját Árnyvadászt is! Tovább megyek, a magyar Árnyvadász beszél! Mit beszél! Sokat beszél, kétszer is feltűnik a történetben a Klávé gyűlésein és a történet végén még fontos szerepe is van egy bizonyos döntésben, amit a Klávé hoz. Nem mondom, hogy szimpatikus szereplő, de a miénk!
A neve pedig...
Lazlo Balogh
És akkor az idézetek, amelyekben feltűnik. Előre szólok, az idézetek erősen spoileresek, de akár már az is elég, ha ránéztek, hogy látszódjon: a magyar Ányvadász sokat beszél és nagy szerepe van egy bizonyos döntésben, ami majd a TDA-ban válik igazán fontossá.
És ezeket az idézeteket már úgy hoztam, hogy a köztes, nem kapcsolódó részeket ki is vágtam. :)
“This is vengeance,” said a thin, dark-haired Shadowhunter whom Clary recognized as the head of the Budapest Institute. Lazlo Balogh, she thought his name was. “Vengeance for our victories in London and at the Citadel.”
“We didn’t have victories in London and at the Citadel, Lazlo,” said Jia. “The London Institute turned out to be protected by a force even we were unaware of, one we cannot replicate. The Shadowhunters there were warned and led to safety. Even then, a few were injured: None of Sebastian’s forces were harmed. At best it could be called a successful retreat.”
“But the attack on the Citadel,” Lazlo protested. “He did not enter the Citadel. He did not reach the armory there—”
“We didn’t have victories in London and at the Citadel, Lazlo,” said Jia. “The London Institute turned out to be protected by a force even we were unaware of, one we cannot replicate. The Shadowhunters there were warned and led to safety. Even then, a few were injured: None of Sebastian’s forces were harmed. At best it could be called a successful retreat.”
“But the attack on the Citadel,” Lazlo protested. “He did not enter the Citadel. He did not reach the armory there—”
“There’s more than patience to be considered,” said Balogh. “We left our Institutes, we came here, with the understanding that we would be returning once we had held a Council with the Downworld representatives. Without us out in the world, who will protect it? We have a mandate, a mandate from Heaven, to protect the world, to hold back the demons. We cannot do that from Idris.”
“So it is done,” said Jia, clearly pleased. “Now we move to the subject of—”
“Wait.” A thin Shadowhunter with dark hair had risen to his feet. Emma didn’t recognize him. He could have been anyone. A Cartwright? A Pontmercy? “There remains the question of Mark and Helen Blackthorn.”
Helen’s eyes closed. She looked like someone who had been half-expecting a guilty sentence in a trial and half-hoping for a reprieve, and this was the moment after the guilty sentence had fallen.
Jia paused, her pen in her hand. “What do you mean, Balogh?”
Balogh drew himself up. “There’s already been discussion of the fact that Morgenstern’s forces penetrated the Los Angeles Institute so easily. Both Mark and Helen Blackthorn have the blood of faeries in them. We know the boy’s already joined up with the Wild Hunt, so he’s beyond us, but the girl shouldn’t be among Shadowhunters. It isn’t decent.”
Aline shot to her feet. “That’s ridiculous!” she spat. “Helen’s a Shadowhunter; she’s always been one! She’s got the blood of the Angel in her—you can’t turn your back on that!”
“And the blood of faeries,” said Balogh. “She can lie. We’ve already been tricked by one of her sort, to our sorrow. I say we strip her Marks—”
“Wait.” A thin Shadowhunter with dark hair had risen to his feet. Emma didn’t recognize him. He could have been anyone. A Cartwright? A Pontmercy? “There remains the question of Mark and Helen Blackthorn.”
Helen’s eyes closed. She looked like someone who had been half-expecting a guilty sentence in a trial and half-hoping for a reprieve, and this was the moment after the guilty sentence had fallen.
Jia paused, her pen in her hand. “What do you mean, Balogh?”
Balogh drew himself up. “There’s already been discussion of the fact that Morgenstern’s forces penetrated the Los Angeles Institute so easily. Both Mark and Helen Blackthorn have the blood of faeries in them. We know the boy’s already joined up with the Wild Hunt, so he’s beyond us, but the girl shouldn’t be among Shadowhunters. It isn’t decent.”
Aline shot to her feet. “That’s ridiculous!” she spat. “Helen’s a Shadowhunter; she’s always been one! She’s got the blood of the Angel in her—you can’t turn your back on that!”
“And the blood of faeries,” said Balogh. “She can lie. We’ve already been tricked by one of her sort, to our sorrow. I say we strip her Marks—”
Luke brought his hand down on the table with a loud slam; Magnus was hunched forward, his long-fingered hands covering his face, his shoulders slumped. “The girl’s done nothing,” Luke said. “You can’t punish her for an accident of birth.”
“Accidents of birth make us all what we are,” said Balogh stubbornly. “You can’t deny the faerie blood in her. You can’t deny she can lie. If it comes down to a war again, where will her loyalties stand?”
“Accidents of birth make us all what we are,” said Balogh stubbornly. “You can’t deny the faerie blood in her. You can’t deny she can lie. If it comes down to a war again, where will her loyalties stand?”
“The rest of us have decided that, as Helen is eighteen, at the age where many young Shadowhunters are posted to other Institutes to learn their ways, she will be posted to Wrangel Island to study the wards.”
“For how long?” said Balogh immediately.
“For how long?” said Balogh immediately.
“Is that good enough for you?” Jia said in a cold voice. “Mr. Balogh? Mrs. Sedgewick? Shall we vote on it? All in favor of assigning Helen Blackthorn to a posting on Wrangel Island until her loyalty is determined, say ‘aye.’”
A chorus of “aye,” and a quieter chorus of “nay,” ran around the room. Emma said nothing, and neither did Jules; both of them were too young to vote. Emma reached her hand over and took Julian’s, squeezed it tightly; his fingers were like ice. He had the look of someone who had been hit so many times that they no longer even wanted to get up. Helen was sobbing softly in Aline’s arms.
“There remains the question of Mark Blackthorn,” said Balogh.
A chorus of “aye,” and a quieter chorus of “nay,” ran around the room. Emma said nothing, and neither did Jules; both of them were too young to vote. Emma reached her hand over and took Julian’s, squeezed it tightly; his fingers were like ice. He had the look of someone who had been hit so many times that they no longer even wanted to get up. Helen was sobbing softly in Aline’s arms.
“There remains the question of Mark Blackthorn,” said Balogh.
“What question?” demanded Robert Lightwood, sounding exasperated. “The boy has been taken by the Wild Hunt! In the unlikely event that we are able to negotiate his release, shouldn’t this be a problem to worry about then?”
“That’s just it,” said Balogh. “As long as we don’t negotiate his release, the problem takes care of itself. The boy is likely better off with his own kind anyway.”
“That’s just it,” said Balogh. “As long as we don’t negotiate his release, the problem takes care of itself. The boy is likely better off with his own kind anyway.”
Ez olyan szuper! :)
VálaszTörlésCsak kár, hogy nem összetett név.
Igen, én is sajnálom kicsit, de nem minden Árnyvadász név az. Pl. a TDA-ban lesznek a Rosalesek (nem biztos, hogy jól írtam, bocsi), az sem az.
TörlésA Rosales elvileg az.
TörlésHer surname, Rosales, means "rosebush." Wikia-n legalábbis ez van.
Amúgy gyanús, hogy Kadir vezetékneve (Safar) sem az. Meg Jem anyja neve sem. Kár, hogy ezekre valahogy nem figyelt, mert ez egy olyan dolog amit nagyon szeretek és ami egyedi az árnyvadászoknál.
A Balogh elvileg balkezest jelent, a László meg hatalom és dicsőséget. Hmmm, pretentious enough, meg hát mint megállapították késbőbb, vannak ettől gázabbak is.
TörlésMondjuk magyar árnyvadász családnevek terén olyasmire számítottam mint Szentkúthy, Csontváry-bár nálunk nincs szokásban az összetett név, többnyire egyszavas, nemzetiség vagy helységnevek vannak.
De király:D Azt hittem leesek a székről mikor elolvastam :D
VálaszTörlésÉn is azt hittem, amikor megláttam. Kiörömködtem magam, hogy Budapest! Intézet! Erre olvasok tovább és magyar Árnyvadász!!!
TörlésHát kb én is pont így jártam! :) Teljes nyugalomban ( már amennyire az ember nyugalomban lehet, mikor kezében tartja a Heavenly fire-t) olvasok, egyszer csak hoppááá... aztán meg OOO-HOPPÁÁÁÁ! :D Tök jó érzés volt, mégha Lazlo egy "asshole" is! :)
TörlésNohát... van Budapesti Intézet is. Mondjuk amekkora zsírkirályság van idehaza íjászat terén, én azon se lepődnék meg ha Alec ide jönne "egyetemre".
VálaszTörlésEgyébként mindig is fura volt, hogy egy bazinagy bronz Néma Testvér csücsül a városliget közepén, szürke könyvestül, irónustul, mindenestül.
Hát srácok, asszem tudom honnan lehet tőlünk bejutni a Silent Citybe... :D